FormulaSAE Action Deadlines

GFR Grounds for Removal

* 10 Penalty points accrued each day after Due Date, no submissions accepted after Cancellation Date

** Dates are in Eastern Standard Time (EST), unless stated otherwise

[R] This is a required deadline

DR.3.2 Penalty Detail
DR.3.2.1 Late Submissions will receive a point penalty as shown in Table DR-2, subject to official discretion.
DR.3.2.2 Additional penalties will apply if Not Submitted, subject to official discretion
DR.3.2.3 Penalties up to and including Removal of Team Entry may apply based on document reviews, subject to official discretion
DR.3.3 Removal of Team Entry
DR.3.3.1 The organizer may remove the team entry when the:
a. Identified documents are Not Submitted in 5 days or less from the deadline. Removals will take place after each Document Submission deadline.
b. Team does not respond to Reviewer requests or organizer communications
DR.3.3.2 When a team entry will be removed:
a. The team will be notified prior to cancelling registration.
b. No refund of entry fees will be given.