Multimatic Vehicle Dynamics Excellence Award Returns for 2023 FSAE Michigan May Competition

5/17/2023 10:37:10 AM ET   Formula SAE (IC)

Multimatic Vehicle Dynamics Excellence Award FAQ

At which events will the Vehicle Dynamics Excellence Award be given out?
For 2023, the Vehicle Dynamics Excellence award will only be awarded at the IC event in May. In future years, the Vehicle Dynamics award may be awarded at different design competitions. This will be announced well in advance.

Who does the scoring?
The senior design judges will be providing the scoring in the design finals phase of the competition.

How is the award scored?
The award will be presented to the team best demonstrating an in-depth understanding and application of vehicle dynamics to:

  • Establish vehicle performance targets and associated system specifications.
  • Develop component designs to achieve targets.
  • Use data acquisition, dynamic simulation, and objective analysis to optimize vehicle dynamics performance.

What will the team win?

  • The Multimatic Vehicle Dynamics Excellence Award will consist of a permanent trophy that resides at Multimatic Technical Centre in Toronto and an individual trophy for the team to retain.
  • Additionally, Multimatic is providing a set of bespoke FSAE DSSV Dampers to the winning team.
    • The team will be invited to the Multimatic Technical Centre in Toronto to learn how the valving can be specified using SpecFinder, an analytical tool that predicts the damper characteristics.
    • The team will build and dyno the dampers onsite.
    • Multimatic’s unique Four Post Rig testing methodology will also be reviewed in detail during the visit.**

What happens if the winning team is already using Multimatic Dampers?

  • The team is eligible to win another set of dampers.

Can a team win more than one set of dampers?

  • Yes, a team can win the Multimatic Vehicle Dynamics Award multiple times.
  • *Is Multimatic involved in the judging? No.

Is there anything for second place?

  • No.

Can a team purchase dampers directly from Multimatic?

  • Yes, Multimatic wants to work with all teams that are interested in using Multimatic spool valve dampers for either a conventional four damper configuration or a fully decoupled architecture.
  • Multimatic has designed a unique through rod roll damper for the decoupled suspension design.
  • The dampers are sold at cost. Multimatic does not profit from the sale of the dampers.
  • Download the Multimatic FSAE Damper brochure for more information and purchase information: https://multimatic.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021_06_17-FSAE-Damper-promotion-High-Res-Spreads.pdf

Multimatic Vehicle Dynamics Excellence Award Criteria

Judging and the Award

  • The judging for this award will occur during the design finals phase of the competition by the senior design judges.
  • The Multimatic Vehicle Dynamics Excellence Award will consist of a permanent trophy that resides at Multimatic Technical Centre in Toronto and an individual trophy for the team to retain.
  • Additionally, Multimatic is providing a set of bespoke FSAE DSSV Dampers to the winning team.
    • The team will be invited to the Multimatic Technical Centre in Toronto to learn how the valving can be specified using SpecFinder, an analytical tool that predicts the damper characteristics.
    • The team will build and dyno the dampers onsite.
    • Multimatic’s unique Four Post Rig testing methodology will also be reviewed in detail during the visit.

Proposed Distribution of Points (100 total)

Upfront Simulation- Vehicle Targets and Specifications: (40 Points)

*Maximum points if:

  • The team demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the dynamic task that their vehicle is developed towards, particularly how this may differ from other forms of professional motorsport, and all aspects of this task are well reflected in the vehicle design decisions.
  • The team defines vehicle parameters based on lap time simulation, overall competition points simulation, and/or other well described dynamic performance objectives.
  • Development loop closure based on previous years’ dynamic performance assessments. (Where were they weak and how will they improve, guided by dynamical simulation)
  • The team utilizes different levels of simulation model fidelity and complexity – initial concept (point-mass) as well as a partial and or full vehicle models to generate overall design targets.
  • The team maximizes vehicle performance based on tire characteristics
  • The team has conducted robust correlation assessment of vehicle-level dynamical models based on real-world data, sufficient to support validity of model use cases.

Deduction from max if:

  • The team has a good level of simulation for suspension geometry, damper sizing, ARB sizing, LLTD etc.; but no upfront thought for vehicle concept, system targets, tire size, other than based on other team’s previous history.

Further Deduction if:

  • Car built bottom up, i.e., choices made based on previously designed components and packaging components. No upfront thought for vehicle dynamics

Component Level Design (30 Points)

Full points if:

  • Vehicle design uses dynamical and/or quasi-static simulation tools to define specifications and performance targets in support of component-level design initiatives (e.g., stiffness targets, design loads, gear ratios, etc.).
  • The team demonstrates development loop closure by employing previous years’ data and performance outcomes to validate component-level specifications and performance targets.
  • The team has conducted robust correlation assessment of subsystem and component-level dynamical models based on real-world data, sufficient to support validity of model use cases.
  • The team demonstrates strong understanding and accounting for secondary effects of vehicle components on dynamic performance characteristics.
    • For example, the team should have accurate prediction and assessment of:
      • Centre Of Gravity
      • Vehicle Mass
      • Moments of Inertia
      • Load Paths and mechanism elasto-kinematics are well thought out throughout the vehicle systems.

Deduction if:

  • Some vehicle level cascade isn’t applied uniformly across the vehicle.
  • There is no thought into stiffness critical components and the team has only used benchmarking from previous years.
  • Load paths are not considered.

Further deduction if:

  • Strength load cases inconsistently applied and or based on designer judgment.

Mass and Centre of Gravity Prediction
* 20% Deduction of Component Design points if Official SAE weight (SAE Scales) measurement is 2.5 % or more above spec-sheet total mass or 2.5 % or more away from spec-sheet fore/aft mass distribution.

Vehicle Tuning and Development (30 Points)
Max Points

  • The team employs a combination of dynamical simulation tools, driver feedback, and data acquisition and analysis to develop the vehicle-level performance characteristics.
  • Faults and/or performance deficiencies are addressed through targeted iteration of the vehicle and or component specifications based on such processes.

Deduction if:

  • The team uses a large array of data acquisition with good understanding of the measured quantities but does not substantially analyze the data to draw meaningful conclusions and direction.
  • The team does not leverage supportive dynamical simulations during vehicle development.

Further deduction if:

  • Team uses data acquisition in an anecdotal manner only, looking only for specific issues or as health monitoring tool.

No points:

  • Team relies solely on driver feedback.