Chat with the Experts: Electrification

2/24/2022 2:22:49 PM ET   FormulaSAE Series

In honor of Engineers' Week, we brought together experts from our membership to talk about advances being made in vehicle electrification. Check out how the conversation went at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31gINlJJfW8


  • Evgeni Ganev, CEO, EMPS Consulting LLC
  • J. Grant Lawton, Application Aerospace Wire and Cable, WL Gore & Associates Inc.
  • Timothy Newcomb, Strategic Technology Manager, Lubrizol Corp.
  • Joshua Portlock, CTO/Director, ElectroAero Pty Ltd.
  • ...and more!

Learn more about the activities happening for Engineers' Week in Member Connection at connection.sae.org.