May – FSAE Business Presentation Finalists Announced

5/3/2022 9:26:49 PM ET   Formula SAE Michigan - May

The selected teams will compete in the Presentation Finals to be hosted onsite in person Thursday, May 19th.

Teams are listed in numerical order.

A Business Presentation Finalists Static Schedule will be made available on in the files section of Competition Resources for the May event. Additionally you can find this schedule within the Business Presentation Event Resources folder of Series Resources. This schedule does take into consideration the teams’ other static appointments.

Scoring and feedback for all teams will not be published until after the onsite judging is complete. Student teams will be able to view their judges’ comments on fsaeonline.com. Scores will be available online the app using the Live Results link.

Here are the top 10 teams from the first round of Presentation for FSAE Michigan May 2022:

  • 47 - University of Victoria
  • 52 - Purdue Univ - W. Lafayette
  • 63 - Univ of Kansas - Lawrence
  • 70 - Georgia Institute of Technology
  • 98 - South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
  • 100 - Univ of Kentucky
  • 101 - Univ of Saskatchewan
  • 106 - Univ of Waterloo
  • 124 - Lehigh Univ
  • 146 - Technische Universitat Berlin