2023 FSAE Electric Business Finalists

6/7/2023 4:02:28 PM ET   Formula SAE Electric

The 2023 Formula SAE Electric onsite business presentation finals schedule for the June competition is now available on the Formula SAE App and posted under the Competition Resources – Formula SAE Electric. Teams can view their assigned times.

Formula SAE Electric 2023 Presentation Finalists

(In order by car number)

  • 216 Oregon State Univ
  • 217 Univ of Toronto
  • 219 San Jose State University
  • 229 Binghamton Univ
  • 231 Toronto Metropolitan University
  • 232 Univ of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
  • 234 Kennesaw State University
  • 240 Univ of Kansas - Lawrence
  • 241 Univ of Southern California
  • 247 Western Washington Univ
  • 267 Univ of Washington
  • 295 Western University

Based on these questions received recently, here is some guidance to keep in mind for teams presenting onsite next week.

1) Your Presentation must meet the Formula SAE Rules and the Formula SAE Presentation Concept - please make sure that you reread them.

2) The Presentation given in the Finals round is not required to be exactly the same as the virtual round but altering it significantly may have positive or negative impacts on your final score. As in the virtual round, your team must decide how to make the best Presentation that meets the provided concept information and the Formula SAE Rules.

3) The ‘original vehicle’ noted on the scoring form on FSAEonline.com, and in the case of the propulsion system discussed in the concept, relates to the vehicle that you brought to competition.

4) Per the Formula SAE Rules S.2.6, Teams planning to use data projectors, visual display devices (tablets, computers, etc.), or other communication means as part of their presentation must bring, or arrange for, their own equipment.