Formula SAE Design Finalists

5/18/2023 8:51:14 PM ET   Formula SAE (IC)

Congratulations to the following teams:

  • #014 California Polytechnic State Univ - SLO
  • #019 Univ of Illinois - Urbana Champaign
  • #033 Purdue Univ - W Lafayette
  • #036 North Carolina State Univ - Raleigh
  • #044 Univ of Waterloo
  • #053 Michigan State University
  • #074 Univ of Southern California
  • #098 Univ of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • #099 Univ of Akron
  • #103 Univ of Calif - Berkeley
  • #131 Wroclaw University of Technology

Design finals start at 5:30 pm ET. Teams should be staging in the back of Garage 3 prior to this time.