How to Submit Rules-Related Questions

Submission Addresses:

Teams entering Formula SAE competitions in North America
Submit question via CdsWeb (explained below)

Teams entering any International Competition prior to competitions in North America must first inquire with those organizing bodies via their process found online their websites.

Instructions for Teams entering Formula SAE in North America

1. Create a CdsWeb account (if you have not already done so)
This same account is used for submitting compeition reports and documents, submitting rules questions, etc.

2. Affiliate to your Team (if you have not already done so)
Not everyone who has a CdsWeb account is a member of a student team. If you are, be sure to affiliate your account with the correct School and Team at that school so that you can use the Team Member parts of the CdsWeb system.

3. Login and go to "Ask a Rules Question" under the Team Member menu
Choose this link to submit a new rules question. Also available on this menu is "My Team's Rules Questions", where you can view all the questions your team has asked and the answers given for those questions. You will also be able to add more information / attachments, respond to questions back from the Rules Reps, and browse published Rules FAQs.

If you need assistance, email the SAE and CdsWeb support team at [email protected] and include your CdsWeb username.

Response Time

Please allow a minimum of two (2) weeks for a response. The Rules Committee will respond as quickly as possible, however responses to questions presenting new issues, or of unusual complexity, may take more than two weeks.

Please do not resend questions.

Thanks! If you need assistance, email the SAE and CdsWeb support team at [email protected] and include your CdsWeb username.